A Journey into Chan Dharma Drum Mountain Travel&Local
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農禪寺導覽APPBesides a guided tour, you can now make a personal pilgrimage at Nung Chan Monastery with a special app.

Designed for “A Journey into Chan at Nung Chan Monastery,” the “One-day Chan Journey” app will guide you through the featured attractions at Nung Chan Monastery and their inspiring stories. We invite you to participate in relaxing Chan meditation activities, including mindful eating practice while enjoying a meal at the Dining Hall. During this journey, your body will be relaxed, your mind at peace, and you can be engaged in a deep dialogue with yourself and feel refreshed. It shall be a wonderful spiritual journey that brings you new energy and vitality.

If your time is limited, the app offers you two other choices to plan your visit: “A Taste of Chan” and “Half-day Chan Journey.”